Basic Information:

  • Name: Go Go
  • Gender: Male
  • Individuality: Gentle, Affectionate
  • Age when found: About 7 years old
  • Date Found: 2020/07
  • Breed: Mixed
  • Size: Small


  • Desex : Yes

Location of the animal:

Taipei City

Go Go's Story:

It is hard to imagine what it feels like to be trapped in a space so small that it is very difficult to even turn around, so small that you are unable to straighten your legs or stretch, and where you must eat, sleep, and defecate in the same area. GoGo had to endure this living condition for the past 7 or 8 years.

At the beginning of 2019, the TSPCA received a complaint from the public that someone was raising a cat on the side of the road in Kaohsiung, but it was kept in a very small cage.
Our inspectors made an on-site inspection urgently and found that the cat was being raised by an old lady.
Our inspectors then proceeded to communicate with the old lady. We hoped that she would agree to improve the cat’s living environment; we visited on several occasions and offered to provide a larger 3 level cage (vertical space for a cat is important).

However, in the course of several visits, we did not see any major improvements and often was unable to find the old lady. We subsequently turned to the old lady’s daughter hoping to obtain more information. However, the daughter was unwilling to cooperate and had many excuses for why they were not able to take care of the cat properly and she would often scream and yell at our inspectors.
We then reported the case to the local animal protection authorities and asked local volunteers to keep a close eye on the situation. The difficulty with this case was that sometimes the owner would take GoGo inside, so when we would visit, sometimes we would not be able to find the animal or successfully make contact with the owners.
Then one day, we received news that the owners were moving so we urgently made another on-site inspection. The owners did not want to bring the cat with them and left him in the cage on the side of the road.

Now GoGo is with the TSPCA and we hope to find him a nice new family.
During the rescue process, GoGo was very nervous and escaped from the crate and ran onto the main road. However, after living in a confined cage for 7-8 years, GoGo  was in poor physical strength so he was not able to run far. The padding on his feet were injured from the hot pavement roads, but the vet says he will recover with no problem.

Besides living on the side of the road, which causes a lot of emotional stress, GoGo was also found to be dehydrated and had poor oral care. As a result, his gums at the time were inflamed. But with medication and follow ups he will be just fine.

GoGo is friendly and loves attention. Even if he meets you for the first time, you will be able to pet him. He is a big boy with a heart of a child. GoGo has a broad nose and a pair of electrifying eyes that is full of charm.

Please contact us if you can foster or would like to adopt GoGo.
(02)2738-2130 Ms.Tsai  / Email: