
狗狗一直叫怎麼辦 Part 1.
狗狗吠叫是有原因的; 如果你的狗狗一直不停的叫, 你需要把原因找出來. 但請不要忘記狗狗不會說話, 叫是牠們表達方式之一, 要牠完全不叫是不可能的. 吠叫分兩種; 適當和不適當. 當狗狗被嚇到, 或對其他狗吠叫回應, 或有人向家門靠近等吠叫都是適當的吠叫.
當狗狗在吠叫時, 很重要的一點就是你千萬不要一起”叫”, 只會大家越叫越火烈. 你需要冷靜下來才有能力控制狗狗. 冷靜下來, 用堅定的語氣說 “夠了” 或 “停止”的指令. 一開始狗狗一定不會了解. 在你說出指令後用聲音或玩具分散牠的注意力, 牠一停止吠叫時馬上獎勵牠安靜.
無聊, 要求引人注意, 精力過盛都會引起不適當的吠叫. 你需要了解並查出吠叫的原因, 狗狗在家沒事無聊嗎? 每天運動量足夠嗎? 把原因找出來才有辦法“對症下藥”.
訓練狗狗不亂吠叫需要你主動積極解決, 你和家人都需要花時間和堅持在家中給狗狗的規矩才會有成果. 我們下次會深入一點去看不同種類的吠叫和如何改善.
狗狗一直在叫, 怎麼辦? Part 2
警告型: 有一些飼主會鼓勵這一型的吠叫,他們希望狗狗能在陌生人接近或感覺有危險時吠叫謷告。
引人注意型: 有時候幼犬會以吠叫來引人注意。這大多是因為大家在聽到幼犬吠叫時,都會有所回應。而這麼做也只會使幼犬養成吠叫的習慣。所以請大家遇到這種狀況時一定要忍耐,要等到幼犬停止吠叫後再去理牠。
玩耍/ 興奮型: 這種吠叫的聲音通常短而亮。 一般在玩得很興奮時就可以聽到。而只要把遊戲暫停一下,吠叫聲就會停止了。
身分證明型: 聽起來像是和其他狗鄰居聊天一樣,類似”我在這邊~”的感覺。
無聊型: 吠叫也是釋放精力的一種方法。如果狗狗運動量不足、在家沒事做,牠們就只能靠吠叫來釋放過盛的精力了。
孤獨/ 焦慮型: 如果狗狗有分離焦慮症的現象。牠的吠叫聲同時也會刺激牠自己,使牠更為焦慮。而焦慮型的吠叫通常音調都很高.
驚嚇型: 當狗狗遇到忽然而來的事物和聲音而被嚇到的反應。
-不要跟著一起”叫”. 狗狗在吠時對牠叫罵是沒有用的,這只會讓牠覺得多
-要堅決和有一致性. 決定好一個全家人都會統一使用的不要吠叫指令, 例如”停” 和”夠了”.
-要有耐心. 改變一個行為需要時間。 如果因為進度不如你想像中的快和順利,而遷怒於狗狗的話,這只會把情況弄得更差。所以一定要放慢進度來配合你的狗狗.
狗狗一直在叫, 怎麼辦? Part 3
要選在對的時候給獎勵--- 那什麼是”對”的時候呢? 簡單來說, 就是在狗狗一直吠叫時,瞬間停止不叫後的一兩秒,這時給牠獎勵就是最有效的。你大概在想:說得容易,牠一叫就停不下來,到底要如何使牠安靜呢?
因為這個原因,所以我們需要在”大失控”前教育好狗狗。如果要教狗狗”安靜” ,我們同時也要教會狗狗”說話”。
創造一個會讓狗狗吠叫的機會 (遊戲),在中止遊戲時,同時說出”安靜”然後就靜止不動,等狗狗靜下來後,就稱讚及獎勵牠。我們可以用好玩和好吃的東西來反覆練習,一直到狗狗可以迅速的聽指令來做出吠叫和安靜的反應為止。
How Do I Stop My Dog From Barking? Part I
Dogs bark for a reason, if your dog is barking excessively, it’s important to assess the reasons why your dog is doing it. But keep in mind that a dog does not speak, so barking is a form of communication. There is appropriate and inappropriate barking. It’s appropriate to bark when startled, responding to other dogs' barks, or alerting you of anyone approaching your home.
It’s important not to “bark” together with your dog, a lot of times when you try to control your dog from barking, you start yelling, to them you are “barking” along. In order to control your dog you got to be able to control yourself first. You have to calm down and give out a one word command firmly, such as “enough” or “stop”. Your dog might not get it on the first few tries, so once you give out your command word, use a sound or toy to get your dog’s attention away from his barking. Once he stops barking, praise him and reward him for being quiet.
Inappropriate barking is usually the result of boredom, need for attention, or having excessive energy. You need to find out the reason why your dog is barking. Is he bored? Is he getting enough exercise everyday? Each of these barking behavioral problems can be addressed so you can help your dog to relax and spare the barking.
Training a dog not to bark inappropriately will require proactive solutions on your part. You or other members of the family need to spend time with the dog and be consistent to the house rules in order to be successful. We will talk more next time about the different types of barking and how to alter the barking behavior.
How do I stop my dog from barking? Part 2
Types of barking
Alert/ warning barks: some pet owners do encourage this type of barking. They want their dog to alert them when there’s danger or a suspicious person approaches their property. Warning barks tend to become more rapid as the intruder approaches.
Attention seeking barks: are used most often by puppies in order to get your attention and focus on them. They can become very insistent and hard to ignore, but we must learn to ignore them or it will get very out of hand.
Play/ excited barks: these barks are often short and sharp. This happens when dog gets too excited with the game. A ‘time-out’ will stop this barking.
Self-identification barking: this is like your dog talking to his fellow dog neighbor saying, “I am over here”
Boredom barking: a dog barks as an outlet to release their energy if they are bored or not getting enough exercise.
Lonely/ anxious barking: if your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, his barking can become self reinforcing as he becomes more stimulated and anxious. Anxious barks tend to be higher in pitch as a dog becomes more upset.
Startled barking: it happens in response to an unfamiliar or sudden sound or movement.
Ways to control undesirable barking:
-Do not 'bark' along. Shouting 'no' is just going to make your dog feel you are joining him. He will be very happy that you are barking with him and will bark even more.
-Be firm and consistent. Pick one word commend like 'stop' or 'enough'. When you call the cue use a deeper tone and make sure everyone in the household does the same.
-Rewarding good behavior, when you say 'enough' and your dog stops barking, reward him. Dogs tend to repeat what's good for them.
-Be patient, changing a behavior takes time. Do not get angry with your dog if you feel the progress is too slow. If you feel your dog doesn't get it, it probably means you are moving on too fast. Getting upset will undo everything you’ve already done.
-Control the situation, in order to teach 'stop' or 'enough' you need to have practice sessions. The only way to give your dog a chance to learn is to let him bark so you can teach him not to bark.
How do I stop my dog from barking? Part 3
It’s all about timing—when should you give the reward? In a nutshell it’s at the moment your dog stops barking, you praise and reward him. You will probably start wondering: how do I get my dog to STOP barking? When the bell rings he just goes on and on, there is no way I can control him.
That’s why we have to teach your dog before any barking episodes happen.
In order to teach your dog not to bark using cues like ”quiet” or “no bark” you will need to teach your dog to bark on command.
Create a situation (a game) that will make your dog bark. Stop playing and say “quiet” or “no bark”. Stand still and wait for your dog to stop and look at you. When “quiet” happens, praise and give him a treat! Keep it fun and exciting so your dog will keep his attention on you. Repeat this exercise until your dog starts and stops quickly on cue.
And when it comes to situation where your dog barks because of hearing noise outside, say “quiet” in the same tone you used when you trained him. If he does stop, praise and give him big rewards (multiple treats).
For attention seeking barks, if you give ANY attention (yelling at them, looking at them or talking to them) you are giving your dog what he wants, this will only reinforce the behavior, so just simply ignore the bark until he quiets. Once he does stop you can praise him for being quiet.