Basic Information:
- Name: Ji Xiang
- Gender: Male
- Individuality: Friendly to dogs and people
- Age when found: About 8 years old
- Date found: 2022/02
- Breed: Mix
- Size: Small-Medium-sized
- Vaccinated: Not Yet (will need to wait until he recovers from skin treatment)
- Desexed: Not Yet (will need to wait until he recovers from skin treatment)
- Microchipped: Not Yet (will need to wait until he recovers from skin treatment)
Location of the animal:
Taipei City| Ji Xiang's Story:
Ji Xiang is a short-legged dog with a golden coat. When TSPCA inspectors approached, he didn't react, but just laid on a mat panting heavily. We thought: "Is he old? Sick? Why wasn’t he moving?" For a while we stood, observing his behavior. The moment only broke when we took out some doggy treats. Ji Xiang's eyes lit up suddenly and he started moving towards us.
With his owner’s permission, we took him out of his cage. On the one hand, we wanted Ji Xiang, who had been caged for a long time, to have this opportunity to walk around and explore a little, albeit temporarily. On the other hand, we wanted to inspect him more closely. We discovered that Ji Xiang's nails were overly grown, so we helped trim his nails on-site so he could walk without discomfort. His cage was by the roadside and this long-term outdoor living has also caused severe skin problems.
From our understanding, the store owner brought Ji Xiang in but neglected him for a long time. Staff at the store took the responsibility of providing Ji Xiang with daily food and water , cleaned his cage, and have even taken him to the doctor previously. They had the heart but there was little else they could provide for Ji Xiang. As for the owner, his excuse was that he is too busy to take care of the dog. After some negotiation, Ji Xiang was handed over to the TSPCA for rehoming.
When we first took Ji Xiang out for a walk, he looked lost, as if he didn't know how to process the situation. However, after a few walks, now he happily follows us when we step outside. The first time he stepped onto the grass, Ji Xiang froze completely. The feeling of grass under his paws was perhaps foreign to him, but several days later, he would trot on the grass happily. It is amazing to see his progress.
Ji Xiang is an exceptional dog. When he lies down, you would think he is a golden retriever. When standing on his cute, short legs, he looks like a corgi with the silly face of a labrador. Ji Xiang is truly one of a kind!
Ji Xiang had lived in a cage for a very long time. Now he is no longer confined to a cage and needs a home where he can feel loved again. If you are willing to give cute Mr.short-leg a chance, please contact us!
Adopt Ji Xiang: http://bit.ly/37x8etE
Please call us: (02)2738-2130 Adoption Team
Or email: adoptions@spca.org.tw
| Update:
- 2022.11.09 Ji Xiang has been diagnosed with bacterial and yeast skin disease, and he needs regular medication and medicinal baths 2-3 times a week for recovery. With consistent treatment, his skin will gradually improve.
- 2022.12.07 A tumor was found on the neck (awaiting biopsy results in the future)
- 2023.02.15 A neck tumor biopsy revealed skin cancer which had not spread to blood vessels and was successfully removed. Recovery is normal, but future monitoring is necessary.