Basic Information:
- Name: Qian Dian
- Gender: Male
- Individuality: Lively, Affectionate
- Age when found: About 3 years old
- Date Found: 2018/05
- Breed: Mixed
- Size: Small
- Vaccination : Yes
- Desex : Yes
- Microchip: Yes
Location of the animal:
Taipei City| Qian Dian's Story:
This fierce-eyed little guy is our most funny and lovable cat. He is named Qian Dian (literal translation from Chinese: front spot), because of a marking on the back-upper side of his body.
The biggest difference between Qian Dian and other cats is that Qian Diant's hearing is impaired so he can hardly hear anything.
When he was first rescued, when something would fall onto the ground or make a sharp , loud sound, Qian Dian would not react to it. But we thought perhaps he was just a brave cat.
However, with more observation, sometimes he would not respond to our calls or be aware of people approaching him. When we would gently nudge him to say hello, he would also be startled.
This is how we gradually discovered that there was a problem with Qian Dian’s hearing.
But the good news is, Qian Dian is not affected by the hearing loss and lives a pretty normal life! Just like any other cat, Qian Dian loves to play, chase, jump up and down, and he loves to eat!
Qian Dian did not become discouraged or withdrawn because of the hearing loss, instead he is very affectionate and loving.
Qian Dian's world is very quiet, so when he sees people, he will come to you automatically, circle around your feet, and nudge you with his head so you will pet him, while purring with satisfaction.
Even if it is the first time he meets you, he will welcome you with the same enthusiasm nonetheless.
But because of his poor hearing, he tends to get anxious a bit easier and will purr louder than ordinary cats. He is also seemingly more afraid of being alone so he really enjoys having someone with him most of the time.
When Qian Dian is alone, he meows very loudly, as if to say : Is there anyone else here? I'm so lonely! Perhaps in a world of silence, panic can set in much easier if noone is visibly around.
Qian Dian's world is a silent one, but he is not discouraged, he lives life to its fullest and loves people very, very much. He only asks for someone who will not care about his impairment and who will be willing to provide him with the love and security he so desires.
If you would love to adopt/foster Qian Dian, please contact us!
Tel: (02)2738-2130
E-mail: adoptions@spca.org.tw
| Update:
- Qian Dian's mother experienced malnutrition during her pregnancy, which led to Qian Dian being born with a predisposition to nasal allergies. As a result, his tear glands have been affected, causing him to experience sensitivity in his eyes.
- Qian Dian had swollen lymph nodes, inflamed gums, and resorption issues with his teeth due to severe periodontitis complicated by stomatitis. As a result, he underwent full mouth extraction, and his post-surgery condition was good. He can eat normally, but may vomit if he eats too quickly.
- 2022/03 It was found that he has hearing loss, and after being evaluated by a doctor, it was determined that the impairment had been present for a while. However, since he is still able to live a normal life, no special treatment is needed.
- 2023/1/16 During the annual health check-up, signs of early-stage kidney disease were detected.