經過醫生評估,認為拔牙對於貝勾來說會是最好的選擇,堅強的小貝非常順利的完成拔牙手術,在拔了許多壞掉的牙齒後,貝勾再也不是當初那個暴牙貝勾了! 現在的貝勾雖然只剩下一些牙齒,不過貝勾可以好好享受吃飯時光,也可以盡情地啃潔牙骨,當然貝勾的食慾也增加許多! 嘴巴也不會再臭臭了!貝勾目前也正在進行心絲蟲治療,勇敢的小貝都會乖乖的把藥吃光光喔!相信之後的療程貝勾也一定可以順利的治療成功!
溫柔的貝勾就像棉花糖一樣,柔軟又甜蜜,只要你摸摸她,她就會給你一個大大的笑容! 坐車小達人貝勾也喜歡坐著車車到處兜風,在車上的貝勾總是喜歡靜靜的坐著,認真欣賞窗外的風景。如果您願意帶著貝勾到處兜風,也願意讓她有個永遠幸福的家,歡迎聯絡我們!
歡迎與我們聯繫 :(02)2738-2130 洪小姐
或來信: adoptions@spca.org.tw
Adoption Needed: Gentle Shiba Inu Looking for a Home
Does everyone remember Bagel the fluffy Shiba?
Bagel’s original owner could no longer take care of her and she was subsequently given to a friend. However, her new owner is considered a low-income family and they often had to borrow money to purchase kibble for Bagel or just fed her human leftover foods.
After vet examinations, it was found that Bagel had a number of health issues. Not only was her teeth rotten, she also had heartworms and even had signs of early kidney disease.Bagel suffers from a serious case of dental plaque, bad breath, and because her lower jaw and teeth protrude forward, it is painful and difficult for Bagel to eat normally. She flinches from pain if she touched around the face and jaw…She is unable to enjoy many delicious snacks or dental bones.
The vet suggested that tooth extraction would be the best treatment plan for Bagel. The operation went smoothly and Bagel no longer suffers from pain! Although there are only a few teeth left in Bagel’s mouth, her appetite has improved tremendously and she can now enjoy her meals and all sorts of different treats! She no longer has bad breath either!Bagel is currently undergoing heartworm treatment and is very brave and cooperative, taking her medications with no problem.
Bagle is very gentle and sweet, if you give her a hug, she will give you a big smile in return!She is also very fond of taking car rides, she will sit quietly and appreciate the scenery outside the window. If you are willing to take Bagel for more adventures and give her a happy forever home, please contact us!
More Info:http://bit.ly/37x8etE
Contact Us:(02)2738-2130 Ms. Hung
Or write to: adoptions@spca.org.tw