窄小生鏽的鐵籠裡,關著一隻黑黑小小的狗狗,他就是大家之前熟悉的桃桃,現在我們替他取名為多比! 當多比看到調查員時便不停的將手伸出籠子向調查員撒嬌,調查員觀察到多比尖銳的指甲,判斷長期關在鐵籠裡的多比不曾出籠散步,也因為如此,使得多比的後腿肌肉有些無力,沒有辦法輕易的上下樓梯。
多比是一隻非常愛玩也精力旺盛的狗狗,他非常喜歡出門散步、也很喜歡嗅聞,因為多比從來都沒有出門散步過,所以對於馬路上的車子會感到些微的緊張,不過這是阻止不了多比想要散步的心的! 多比也很喜歡和人撒嬌玩耍,如果被多比發現你有空卻沒有摸摸他,他可是會纏著你討摸摸的喔!
歡迎與我們聯繫 :(02)2738-2130 洪小姐
或來信: adoptions@spca.org.tw
Adoption Needed: Doby is free!
In the narrow and rusty iron cage, there was a small black dog named Tao Tao. Now we call him Doby. When TSPCA inspector arrived on site, Doby kept extending his paw out of the cage to attract attention. Due to Doby's long fingernails and loss of muscle tone on his hind legs, we suspected that Doby had been caged for a long time and never came out for walks. He was even unable to go up and down stairs properly due to this.
The old lady looking after Doby originally wanted a dog to guard her house, so she got Doby from a friend. Sadly, the living environment was far from ideal. In order to prevent Doby from overturning his feed and water bowls, the old lady used two heavy stone mortars as bowls. Doby’s cage was placed outside on top of the gutter, so that excrements can be easily flushed out. Unfortunately, this poor environment also resulted in Doby contracting a heartworm infection.TSPCA inspectors tried to convey the guidelines and best practices for raising dogs with the owner, and helped to improve Doby's living condition, but the old lady felt that these requests were too troublesome and she didn't have the strength to take Doby out for regular walks. As a result, she decided to give Doby up for adoption.
Doby is a very playful and energetic dog. He likes to go out for walks and sniff everything. This is understandable, as poor Doby was stuck in a cage most of his life. He is a little nervous on the road and is scared by cars and traffic but it doesn’t stop Doby from wanting to go outside! He also loves to play with people. If Doby finds that you are free but doesn't give him attention, he will pester you for a cuddle!Due to a lack of proper socialization, he might be a bit timid with many things. Doby is also working hard to regain more leg strength. We also noticed that Doby's eyesight seems to be a little off, but it doesn’t affect his daily routine.
Doby had lived his life in a cage and now he really deserves a loving home full of joy. Please contact us for a meet and greet!
Adopt, Foster: https://bit.ly/3vB4LWB
Contact us: (02)2738-2130 Ms.Hung
Or email: adoptions@spca.org.tw