
#BeCrueltyFree慶添里程碑 敦促政府下一步禁止銷售進口之動物實驗化粧品
2016年10月21日台北報導- 台灣透過修法禁止化粧品動物實驗,正式加入日趨增長的全球終結化妝品殘忍行列。日前立委王育敏及立委莊瑞雄均提出化粧品衛生管理條例法案,希望禁止化粧品動物實驗的殘酷在台發生,而通過二三讀的內容為禁止化粧品成品或原料於國內進行動物實驗,新法將於2019年施行。
由台灣防止虐待動物協會(TSPCA)及國際人道協會(HSI) 共同推動的台灣#BeCrueltyFree 讓美麗遠離殘酷運動對於達成這增進動物福利之里程碑有相當的影響力,兩年來#BeCrueltyFree運動與立委王育敏緊密合作,也集結了愛護動物的台灣藝人阿雅、Junior、王俐人的支持,而立委洪慈庸、立委李彥秀、立委鍾孔炤、立委陳曼麗、立委劉建國、立委蔣萬安、立委楊曜、立委林淑芬在社福衛環委員會初審時亦均大力贊同此修法方向。而由最近一次TSPCA委外進行之民調顯示,69.2%台灣民眾支持禁令,76.5%民眾認為動物不應因美麗之名受到傷害。
HSI全球 #BeCrueltyFree運動總監Claire Mansfield自倫敦總部表示:「這是個值得慶祝的日子,台灣加入了在國際中日漸盛大的終結化粧品動物實驗潮流,並成為東南亞第一個國家禁止化妝品動物實驗,顯示出台灣是一個趨勢領導者,這確實是動物福利及保障消費者的雙贏結果,同時也是運動的另一個成果,但讓人遺憾的是,若是產品是進口的,台灣消費者仍可以購買到經過殘忍動物實驗的化粧品,因此我們下一步著眼的是停止進口及販售日後在台灣以外國家進行新動物實驗的化粧品。」
TSPCA及 #BeCrueltyFree 台灣議題宣導暨法務部門專員劉子瑜表示:「我們很高興看到台灣對於建立在美麗上的殘酷採取了積極的舉動- 修法通過化粧品動物實驗禁令!將化粧品原料測試在動物上會造成他們極大的痛苦與折磨,然而這樣巨大的代價換取來的結果從來就無法保證人體的使用安全,也並不符合現代科學觀念。今日我們暫且歡慶這在提升動物福利歷史上重要的一大勝利,而明天 #BeCrueltyFree團隊也將繼續邁向下一個階段- 推動銷售禁令,以杜絕在國外進行新動物實驗的化粧品進口台灣或在台販售,如此一來才能夠真正使殘忍的化粧品從台灣市場消失,並充分發揮台灣在全球終止化粧品動物實驗的力量!」
法案的通過讓台灣與其它 #BeCrueltyFree 的30多個國家站在同一線 (總共17億消費者)。全球最大的化妝品市場-歐盟、挪威、以色列、印度、紐西蘭、南韓、土耳其以及巴西部分州都已經有了全面或部分的化粧品成品及原料的動物實驗禁令,類似的修法也在 #BeCrueltyFree 團隊領導下於美國、加拿大、巴西、澳大利亞、阿根廷及其他國家如火如荼地進行著。
備註:台灣全國民調來源由趨勢民意調查股份有限公司於2015年4月進行全國性民意調查,共完成1,073份有效樣本,在 95%信心水準下,抽樣誤差為正負 3.0 個百分點。
違反第七條第一項、第八條第一項、第十一條、第十五條第一項、第十六條第一項、第十七條第一項、第十八條第一項或第二十三條第一項禁止規定之一者,處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣十五萬元以下罰金;其妨害 衛生之物品沒收銷燬之。
違反第二十三條第一項、第二十三條之二第一項或第二項禁止規定之一,情節重大或再次違反者,並得命其歇業 及廢止其公司、商業、工廠之全部或部分登記事項。
Taiwan bans cosmetics animal testing
#BeCrueltyFree celebrates campaign milestone; now urges government to consider a sales ban on imported animal tested cosmetics

TAIPEI (21th Oct 2016)—Taiwan has joined the growing global momentum to end cosmetics cruelty today with passage of legislation to end cosmetics animal testing. The bill, proposed by Legislators Wang YuMin and Zhuang Rui Xiong, amends Taiwan’s Control for Cosmetic Hygiene Act and bans cosmetic animal testing for both finished products and cosmetic ingredients. The legislation will go into effect on 2019.
The #BeCrueltyFree Taiwan campaign, led by the Taiwan SPCA and Humane Society International, has been instrumental in achieving this animal welfare milestone. During the two year campaign, #BeCrueltyFree worked closely with Legislator Wang YuMin and gathered support from well-known Taiwanese celebrities and animal lovers Aya, Junior and Lisa Wang. Recent opinion polling commissioned by the Taiwan SPCA shows that 69.2 percent of Taiwanese consumers back the ban with 76.5 percent believing animals shouldn't suffer in name of beauty.
Claire Mansfield, HSI’s global #BeCrueltyFree campaigns director, said: “This is a moment to celebrate as Taiwan joins the growing international movement away from animal testing of cosmetics and takes the lead on ending cosmetics cruelty in Southeast Asia, becoming the first country in the region to ban animal testing for cosmetics. It’s truly a victory for both animal welfare and compassionate consumers; and yet another achievement for the #BeCrueltyFree campaign. Unfortunately, Taiwanese consumers can still buy cosmetics cruelly tested on animals if the product is imported, so our sights are now set on campaigning for an end to the import and sale of newly animal tested cosmetics.”
Taiwan SPCA and #BeCrueltyFree Taiwan campaign coordinator Joy Liou said: “We are thrilled that Taiwan has taken this positive step and voted to end cosmetics animal testing. Testing cosmetics on animals causes them pain and suffering for test results that have never been proven reliable to assure human safety and don’t represent modern science. Today we celebrate this important victory, and tomorrow we look ahead to campaigning for a sales ban for products newly tested on animals outside of Taiwan, so that cosmetics cruelty can fully be eliminated from the Taiwanese market.”
Passage of the legislation brings Taiwan in line with more than 30 countries—home to more than 1.7 billion consumers—that have already joined the #BeCrueltyFree movement. The world’s largest cosmetics market, the European Union, together with Norway, Israel, India, New Zealand, South Korea, Turkey and several states in Brazil, have enacted full or partial bans on animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients. Similar legislation is currently pending in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Argentina and elsewhere under the leadership of #BeCrueltyFree campaign teams in these countries
Consumers can continue to show their support for further legislation to end the import and sale of newly animal tested cosmetics and bring a complete end to cosmetics cruelty in Taiwan by signing the petition at: http://goo.gl/ftNM7N
Note: Nation-wide poll conducted by Trend Survey and Research Co. in April 2015, with 1073 samples and a confidence level of 95 percent (margin of error + - 3 percent).