


藉由提供現場照片及影片證據,並綜合國外鴕鳥專家們的意見,歸納出以下幾點:1.針對羽毛脫落問題,園區有責任要求所配合的獸醫拔毛檢驗是否為寄生蟲聚集所導致。2.園方應立即將場地改成乾燥沙地,減少潮濕問題 3.兩隻鴕鳥應立即分隔開以減少互啄所產生的流血破皮 4.圍欄應以木頭或白鐵做橫式的改造,目前所使用的塑膠圍網不但讓鴕鳥容易誤食而產生健康疑慮,鴕鳥若逃脫更易造成遊客安全問題。5.鴕鳥應攝取適當均衡飲食,遊客過度餵食及觀賞也造成精神及健康上的過度負荷。綜合以上建議,本協會主動連絡新北市動保處,希望以動保團體及政府公權力的監督及協助下,園區會更重視及積極改善問題。


In January of 2013, many reports were made to us regarding ostriches that weren’t being cared for properly in Wulai. From the evidence that we received, it was obvious that the place where the ostriches were being kept was right next to a shooting range. The constant noise coming from the guns being fired was severely affecting the birds’ mental and physical wellbeing.  In addition to the stress caused by the guns, the environment they were being kept in was inadequate which caused them to lose their feathers, develop swollen skin, not to mention their depressive state.  Because there are no ostrich experts here in Taiwan, we immediately contacted a few foreign ostrich experts to help us with this case

When our investigation team visited the site, they found that the environmental conditions matched that of the evidence that was provided and was definitely not suitable for ostriches. To our horror, the two birds were bleeding because they had been pecking at each other, a sign of mental stress. The type of ground suited to ostriches is dry sand, sadly they were being forced to live on wet mud. We also found the drainage system had serious problems and needed fixing immediately.  The resort manager promised that they would proceed with our request to improve the environment right away, however when we visited again in July, the condition of the birds was getting worse, their toes had even started swelling, despite the few environmental improvements that were made.  

From all the evidence we gathered as well as the advice from foreign experts we came to the following conclusions:
1. Regarding the problem of loss of feathers: the resort must ask their vet to examine the feathers to figure out if this is being caused by parasites.
2. The resort must improve the condition of the ground and use a dry sand material.
3. The two ostriches should be kept separate to stop the problem of pecking at each other.
4. The fences must be replaced with either wood or stainless steel. The current fence is made from plastic webbing that can be easily ingested which can cause serious health problems.
5. The ostriches need a balanced diet and shouldn’t be overfed by visitors to the park, as this also can cause health problems.
Once putting together these points, we contacted the New Taipei City Animal Protection Office for support. We hoped the resort would take these issue seriously and actively work to improve the conditions for these 2 ostriches

In the following months, we received new photos of the birds from the APO officers and are very happy to say that our long-term efforts paid off!!  The ostriches’ feathers are growing back and their wounds are healing very well. The resort now prohibits visitors from feeding them, instead they are only fed by the park staff.  They’ve also started giving them a larger variety of food that cater to all their health needs. We will continue to work with Animal Protection Office on this case and monitor the ostriches well being.  We do believe that providing proper care information to the staff of the park and its visitors is the best way to educate the public and improve the living conditions for the ostriches. It just goes to show that perseverance pays off!

動物保護法 第 5 條: