
特有生物研究保育中心近年來為了台13線三義外環道新闢工程,苗栗縣興建福祿壽殯葬園區,及裕隆汽車苗栗三義的擴建二廠,使推土機及怪手已大舉入侵石虎的家園,讓全台剩下不到500隻的珍貴石虎正面臨嚴峻的生存考驗。福祿壽殯葬園區計畫雖已爭議性的通過環評,但苗栗縣長劉政鴻在環境影響調查報告書未通過前急著主持動土典禮,而裕隆雖為環保理念投入電動車生產,卻即將在許多保育類動物生活的家園擴建二廠,在台灣保育類動物-石虎的珍貴價值相較之下,做法皆缺乏正當性及必要性,讓許多民眾不禁擔憂台灣石虎的未來,在此,請大家採取以下方式與我們Taiwan SPCA一起,反對環保署通過台13線三義外環道工程殺害石虎,反對裕隆用電動車犧牲石虎!
近年來為了台13線三義外環道新闢工程、苗栗縣興建福祿壽殯葬園區,及裕隆汽車苗栗三義的擴建二廠,使推土機及怪手已大舉入侵石虎的家園,讓全台剩下不到500隻的珍貴石虎正面臨嚴峻的生存考驗。福祿壽殯葬園區計畫雖已爭議性的通過環評,但苗栗縣長劉政鴻在環境影響調查報告書未通過前急著主持動土典禮,而裕隆雖為環保理念投入電動車生產,卻即將在許多保育類動物生活的家園擴建二廠,在台灣保育類動物-石虎的珍貴價值相較之下,做法皆缺乏正當性及必要性,讓許多民眾不禁擔憂台灣石虎的未來,在此,請大家採取以下方式與我們Taiwan SPCA一起,反對環保署通過台13線三義外環道工程殺害石虎、反對裕隆用電動車犧牲石虎!
苗栗縣福祿壽殯葬園區的興建營運計畫號稱將成為全東南亞最大殯葬園區,但該園區的位置不但與石虎生活範圍重疊,而殯葬園區焚屍、焚棺、屍水都將造成空氣汙染並造成附近農業灌溉與民生飲水汙染。環評雖已通過,但本案的極大爭議性下,苗栗縣長劉政鴻卻在環境影響調查報告書未通過前就急著主持動土典禮,苗栗縣政府想打造一個全東南亞最大殯葬園區的企圖下,卻不惜以石虎的生命作為代價,讓人質疑是否有內幕隱情!目前計畫已完成整地, 也就是預定開挖的森林地都已開挖完畢, 石虎棲地已經被破壞, 抗議居民目前有對縣政府提出行政訴訟。
台13線三義外環道的工程造價52億,卻只以購買20公頃的農地作為石虎保育地,而這20公頃區區只夠一隻石虎的活動範圍。開發單位之前所提的補救措施的通行廊道根本不可行,石虎相當不喜歡柏油路面,長期追踪的個體,其活動範圍幾乎不會有橫跨道路兩側的情況。也就是說,石虎的生存範圍很容易被道路切割而限縮,這可能導致近親交配的情形,對於族群健康是相當不利的。即使石虎不得已橫越道路,也經常發生路殺,被車撞死的慘案。這條外環道除了通過石虎的分布熱點外,也通過了土石流潛在威脅路段,不但將影響當地原有族群生態,石虎是否可能依照人類所希望的搬家更是重點問題。該工程名義為改善三義木雕街交通之壅塞,但壅塞主因卻是遊客與臨停問題,興建外環道是否就能改善問題還是白白犧牲石虎的性命?基本上撥用國有土地做為石虎生態棲息地補償是最後不得已的手段, 前提是台13線三義外環道路要有真正的必要性!
開發單位說,石虎分佈熱點多分佈於隧道及高架橋段,影響輕微,其說法非常不正確。石虎研究員表示,“整個地區的生態環境和動物狀況是苗栗低海拔山區相當豐富和珍貴的地區,保育類動物種類和數量都很豐富, 尤其石虎和麝香貓更是, 道路的開發以及後續所引入的干擾將會嚴重降低石虎的棲地品質, 並且, 道路還會引入更多的開發, 由於當地有許多私有地, 因此, 這條道路等於提供地主很好的機會。目前聽說慈濟也預計在此地區蓋醫院與設學校, 總之, 後續的開發將會很快地把周邊石虎原本還可以利用的棲地徹底破壞, 絕對不只是開發道路的面積而已”。
苗栗縣政府與之前排行在網路“十大惡人”榜上的縣長劉政鴻屢次為了護航非必要性有爭議的數個開發案,堅持破壞石虎棲息地,讓許多尊重生命、愛護動物的民眾感到非常痛心。相較之下,南投縣政府致力於石虎保育,繁殖並成功野放,也經常舉辦守護石虎活動,藉此達到保育生態兼觀光文創的相輔相成。我們呼籲苗栗縣政府應學習南投縣政府尊重石虎態度及做法並立即重視此問題。協會也希望有更多當地居民和民間團體一同聲援, 督促環評委員會謹慎審議台13線三義外環道工程計畫。
Taiwan SPCA(台灣防止虐待動物協會)在此呼籲所有民眾藉由以下方法來共同守護石虎,保護台灣珍貴的原有物種,免於利益迫害!
1. 請到環保署環評書件查詢系統搜尋“台13線三義外環道新闢工程” 並點選 “我有意見”(參考連結),來向環保署提出反對台13線三義外環道新闢工程將危害石虎生存。
“我強烈反對台13線三義外環道新闢工程開發! 我反對為了無必要性及正當性的台13線三義外環道新闢工程,而犧牲保育類動物石虎的未來!我們人民要求環保署不可通過此開發案!”
2. 反應給苗栗縣政府!
苗栗縣為民服務縣民熱線專線 1999、037-322150 (外縣市)
野生動物保育專線 037-355446
環保陳情專線 0800-066666
3. 寫信給裕隆汽車, 留言在Luxgen Motor FB粉絲團,並表達我們的訴求”我們不要電動車,我們要石虎!”。
4. 參加環保署於周三4/16,下午2:30在環保署4樓第五會議室,針對“台13線三義外環道新闢工程”所召開的環評大會,請點選以下連結並報名參加,讓我們一起保護石虎,反對政府浪費人民納稅錢,反對非必要工程!來參加的民眾也請一同集結力量參加下午2點苗栗縣環境監督聯盟所舉辦的記者會!(在環保署大門前)
5. 加入“守護石虎”粉絲團,轉發訊息給親朋好友!
The Construction of Miaoli County Sanyi Bypass Route, Fu Lu Shou Cemetary, and Luxgen Motors’ Second Warehouse will soon lead to the Extinction of Leopard Cats in Taiwan
In recent years, plans for the construction of Miaoli County Sanyi bypass route, Fu Lu Shou Cemetary and Luxgen Motor’s Second Warehouse have been met with controversy as these projects will most definitely lead to the extinction of leopard cats which currently only have a population of less than 500 in Taiwan. They are considered endangered, mainly due to loss of habitat. Fu Lu Shou Cemetery has passed its controversial environmental impact assessment; however, the county magistrate, Liou Jheng Hong, held the ground-breaking ceremony before the assessment had passed. Furthermore, Luxgen Motors plans building a second warehouse in that area to store their electric cars. The public is extremely concerned about leopard cats’ future and welfare. Public support is needed to oppose the approval of Miaoli County Sanyi bypass route as well as Luxgen Motor’s construction of a second warehouse,which will most surely destroy what’s left of these beautiful cat’s habitat.
The developer of the Fu Lu Shou Cemetery claims it will be the largest burial ground in Southeast Asia. Its location will overlap with the habitat of Leopard Cats in Miaoli. Pollution from the cremation process will also pollute the air, local drinking water and water used for agriculture. At present, the clearing of land and trees has been completed, which means that part of the forest is now destroyed. Citizens have since filed administrative litigation against Miaoli County.
Construction of Miaoli County Sanyi bypass route will cost 5.4 billion TWD but developers plan on only purchasing 20 hectares of additional farmland for leopard cats as their secondary habitat. Developers proposed a plan to build a corridor for the cats to cross over to their “new” land; however, the plan is completely unfeasible due to leopard cats disfavor of asphalt roads. According to long term research, leopard cats inhabit very large home ranges. The building of an asphalt road will affect their natural behavior and will further constrain their habitat. Furthermore, it is absurd to believe that these animals will ‘move’ in to their new farmland naturally. Further habitat loss could result in inbreeding which will further jeopardize the welfare of the endangered leopard cats. Moreover, the possibility of the cats being hit by cars when crossing the road is high and the asphalt road to be built will cut across dangerous landslides areas which will also affect local ecology. This construction project has been proposed due to congested traffic in the area on weekends; however the main reason for congestion is due to the high amount of tourists and a lack of parking. Will the project truly solve the problem or simply sacrifice the leopard cats’ lives for no practical reason?
According to developers, leopard cats live mostly in tunnels and overpasses and the construction will not influence their habitat. However, that is completely untrue. According to Ms. Chen, a leopard cat researcher, “The ecology and animals of the area are precious to Miaoli County. There are many endangered animals living here, especially leopard cats and civets cat. The road project will provide good opportunities for many land owners in the area and will bring even more construction proposals. One can see it is not merely a road project, it is something that will lead to the extinction of the leopard cats.”
Local Miaoli resident Miss Lin points out, “There is not much traffic in the area on weekdays. Traffic congestion on holidays and peak hours can be resolved by traffic control and allocating more parking spaces. The bypass route won't bring any convenience to our residents and it will breach local ecology. We definitely do not want the bypass route!”
Luxgen Motor’s second warehouse construction is near several faults and is extremely dangerous to have any construction on fragile soil. Not to mention, this is also the habitat of many animals such as the leopard cat, civets cats, pangolins, crested serpent eagles and many other species. Luxgen's electric cars are supposed to benefit the environment; however, quite ironically, it will be done at the cost of destroying the homes of wild endangered animals. The TSPCA strongly urges Luxgen Motors to review their corporate social responsibility agenda and stop plans to build a warehouse within the leopard cat’s habitat.
The research team of professor Pei Jia-Ci of The National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology indicated that over the years, local government and private construction projects have all contributed to the destruction of the leopard cats’ habitat. Two years of research about leopard cats reveal that their habitat is now decreasing rapidly. Leopard cats in Taiwan also encounter various other threats such as, illegal hunting, gin traps and poisonous baits. Research shows Leopard cats are now on the verge of extinction.
The TSPCA urges Miaoli County to take the issue at hand seriously and be responsible for protecting leopard cats and other wild animals in the area. We hope more residents and NGOs will join us in the fight to save leopard cats from extinction. We urge the Environment Protection Administration to assess the Sanyi bypass route proposal with great caution.
Here’s How You Can Help!
1. Please visit Environmental Protection Administration’s Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System and click on “opinions” (link below) and voice your opposition for the Sanyi bypass route proposal. http://eiareport.epa.gov.tw/EIAWEB/Main3.aspx?func=10&hcode=1020655A&address=&radius=
Write a letter to the chief: http://forum.epa.gov.tw/EPASPS/SPSB/SPSB01001.aspx
Example of Content:
“I strongly oppose the proposal for the construction of a Sanyi bypass route! It is completely not necessary and instead it will cause the extinction of leopard cats and other wild animals in the area! The public requests the government not to approve this construction project!”
2. Protest the Miaoli County government!
Service Hotline: 1999 or 037-322150 (for other county)
Wild life animal protection hotline: 037-355446
Environment protection case reporting line: 0800-066666
Mailbox of county magistrate Liou Jheng-hong: http://service.miaoli.gov.tw/sps/SWSF/SWSF01009.aspx
Leave a message to Miaoli County Environment Protection Bureau FB Page:
Leave a message for Miaoli County International Culture and Tourism Bureau FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/MlcGov
Contact Maoli County councillors and ask them to take a stand!
Example of Content:
I strongly oppose the Sanyi bypass route construction plans! There is not much traffic on weekdays in the area. Traffic congestion on holidays and peak hours can be resolved by traffic control and further allocation of parking spaces. The bypass route does not benefit our county and it breaches local ecology and wildlife will suffer! We request the Miaoli County magistrate and the government to stop this project!
3. Write to Luxgen Motors and leave a message on their FB fan page:
“We don’t want electric cars. We want leopard cats! ”
Example of Content:
“We don’t want electric cars, we want our leopard cats! Please stop plans for building a second warehouse! I am opposed to exchanging leopard cats for electric cars! The construction will seriously jeopardize local ecology and the living rights of endangered animals. Please do not profit by destroying the habitats of endangered species!”
4. Attend Environment Protection Administration’s Environment Impact Assessment Meeting being held in the fifth meeting room, fourth floor of Environment Administration at 14:00pm on Wednesday, April 16th.
Please click the link below and register for the meeting (required). Help us protect leopard cats and oppose any improper and unnecessary construction plans! Miaoli residents and a Green Party representative will be holding a press conference at 1:30pm on the first floor on the same day, we welcome the public to come support and let our voices be heard by the government.