1. The Honorable Zulkifli Hasan
Minister of Forestry
Building Block I Manggala Wanabakti Lt. 3
Jalan Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Jakarta, Indonesia 10270
2. Consul-General Teguh Wardoyo
Consulate of Indonesia in Hong Kong
6-8 Keswick Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Email: info@cgrihk.com
3. 駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處 Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei
Mr. Ahmad Syafri
114 台北市內湖區瑞光路550號6樓
6F, No. 550 Rui Guang Road
Neihu District
Email: ieto@ms8.hinet.net
4. 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處 Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta
夏立言代表 Mr. Andrew Li-Yan Hsia
網路郵件 Online Contact Form
Email: jkt@teto.or.id
Gedung Artha Graha, Lt. 17 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Dear __________________ ,
I am writing as a concerned Taiwanese citizen to seek your support for the following:
-The immediate closure of Indonesia's Surabaya Zoo
-Immediate medical attention to be provided by trained veterinarians to all animals on site
-Transfer of all enclosed animals to accredited facilities
The news that has come out of Surabaya Zoo about the death of scores of animals is extremely disheartening to say the least. Endangered animals such as Sumatran Tigers and Bornean Orangutan dying prematurely due to preventable illnesses and a lack of veterinarian care, emaciated camels, shackled elephants with wounds on their ankles, unable to take one step in any direction and the death of a giraffe due to the 20KG of plastic bags found in his stomach are only a few of the horrific problems that have been found at Surabaya Zoo. None of the 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare ( Freedom from thirst and hunger, Freedom from discomfort, Freedom from pain, injury, and disease, Freedom to express normal behavior, Freedom from fear and distress) are being met, which is a basic requirement that all zoos must provide.
Thanks to the reporting of international media outlets such as The L.A Times, The Huffington Post, The Age Environment, The Jakarta Globe and the UK Telegraph the international community is now aware of the horrific conditions animals suffer in at Surabaya Zoo. More than 200,000 people from around the globe have already signed petitions demanding the closure of the zoo.
To tackle the issues of neglect and suffering imposed upon the animals at Surabaya Zoo, I implore you to take immediate action to have the zoo closed and to have qualified veterinarians provide all affected animals with the medical care they so desperately require.
Now is the time for the government of Indonesia to show the world and, in particular, the people of Indonesia, young and old, that a new day has dawned and that the 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare will not only be honoured, but mandated in government policy and all those who do not comply will be dealt with by law. Indonesians deserve to be proud of their government’s stance on animal welfare. I, as a potential visitor to your country, would most definitely support tourism to Indonesia if it's animals are protected.
Sincerely yours,
由泗水動物園所傳出的動物死亡數量令人心痛的難以言喻. 瀕臨絕種的蘇門答臘虎以及婆羅洲猩猩因可預防的疾病及欠缺醫療照顧而過早死亡; 駱駝營養不良過於消瘦、大象受腳鐐控制,不僅導致踝關節受傷,甚至無法步行、 長頸鹿因胃裡20公斤的塑膠袋而死亡,這些僅是泗水動物園的問題的其中一小部份. 動物福利中的五種自由 (免於飢渴, 免於不適, 免於疼痛/受傷/疾病, 免於恐懼與壓力,表達自然行為的自由,) 在這裡完全沒有提供動物這五種基本自由, 而這些都應該是動物園必須提供的基本要求.
泗水動物園的狀況目前已引起國際關注.來自全球超過200,000的人已經聯署推動關閉動物園, 國際傳媒,如LA Times, The Huffington Post, The Age Environment, The Jakarta Globe以及 UK Telegraph都已經報導了動物園內的狀況.
為了泗水動物園對動物們所造成的忽視及正視動物們所受的痛苦, 我們在此懇求您立刻採取行動立即關閉動物園,並安排受過訓的獸醫對所有動物提供醫療救助. 現在是印尼政府向印尼人民及國際團體展現印尼政府的確關心動物福利並願意提供這些動物符合國際標準的動物福利的最佳時機. 這一方面也會讓印尼在國際上面與觀光客眼裡成為一個有愛心的國家。