Taiwan SPCA(台灣防止虐待動物協會)興奮地宣布與全球最大動保組織之一Humane Society International(國際人道協會)和愛心品牌 LUSH,在台進行反化妝品動物實驗的一系列運動開跑: “台灣-讓美麗遠離殘酷 Be Cruelty-Free Campaign Taiwan”。
台灣是全球終結化妝品動物實驗的重點國家之一。目前國際人道協會的反化妝品動物實驗推廣已經在印度、中國大陸、南韓、大洋洲、巴西、俄羅斯、加拿大等國家進行,並努力的改變各國的相關法律政策,以及提升人民對這方面的意識。“台灣-讓美麗遠離殘酷”最終目標是希望台灣政府立法禁止殘忍的化妝品動物實驗,並使台灣跟進歐盟、以色列和印度的行列。台灣的化妝品規章要求化妝品公司在 “藥類化妝品”(如防曬乳等)及含有新的化學成分的化妝品上必須進行一系列的“安全”測試...
台灣-讓美麗遠離殘酷 終結化粧品動物實驗
Taiwan SPCA(台灣防止虐待動物協會)興奮地宣布與全球最大動保組織之一Humane Society International(國際人道協會)和愛心品牌 LUSH,在台進行反粧品動物實驗的一系列運動開跑: “台灣-讓美麗遠離殘酷 Be Cruelty-Free Campaign Taiwan”。
台灣的化粧品規章要求化粧品公司在 “藥類化粧品”(如防曬乳等)及含有新的化學成分的化粧品上必須進行一系列的“安全”測試,其中包含動物實驗。為測試該成分對皮膚和眼睛的刺激性,實驗家將化學成分塗抹在動物被剃光毛的皮膚上或直接滴入兔子的眼睛中測試反應。更殘酷地,實驗家還會進行“致死量測試Lethal Dose Test”,逼迫動物吞下大量該化學成分來測量導致死亡的劑量。
“讓人非常傷心的是在台灣仍有許多兔子、白老鼠和其他動物仍舊因為殘忍的化粧品實驗而承受沒有必要的痛苦和死亡,因此我們非常希望可以讓台灣與全球接軌, 和世界各國一起進行“讓美麗遠離殘酷”系列活動來促進修法,停止化粧品動物實驗,並結束動物痛苦。LUSH與許多“零殘酷”品牌,每一天都在證明,其實不需要傷害動物就可以有超棒且安全的化粧品。在如此過時及不人道的動物實驗中,實驗結果其實是不準確的,使用沒有動物實驗的產品對消費者反而更有保障。因此為了消費者和動物的安全,我們在此呼籲“讓美麗遠離殘酷”強烈要求政府立法停止不必要的化粧品動物實驗。”
台灣LUSH的Petula Shen表示:
3月10號開始是全球“讓美麗遠離殘酷週 Be Cruelty-Free Week”。國際人道協會及他們的合作夥伴將在世界各地同時舉行活動,希望可以提高人們的意識警覺,並讓大眾了解動物在化粧品實驗中所遭受的痛苦。
國際人道協會的“讓美麗遠離殘酷”運動主任Claire Mansfield說到:
國際人道協會跟他們的合作機構一起構成世界最大的動物保護機構之一。超過二十年以來,國際人道協會在動物科學,宣導,倡議,教育方面努力。停止全世界對動物的殘酷- 請到hsi.org/becrueltyfree
Be Cruelty-Free Launches Taiwan Campaign to End Cosmetics Animal Testing
TAIPEI (10 March 2014) — The Taiwan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is excited to announce the launch of its Be Cruelty-Free Taiwan campaign in partnership with global animal protection organization Humane Society International and cruelty-free retailer LUSH Cosmetics. Be Cruelty-Free Taiwan is part of the largest campaign in the world to end animal testing for cosmetics. Already driving policy change across India, China, South Korea, Oceania, Brazil, Russia, Canada and beyond, Be Cruelty-Free wants to see Taiwan join the ranks of the European Union, Israel and India by introducing a ban on cruel cosmetics animal testing.
Cosmetics regulation in Taiwan requires cosmetics companies to conduct a range of ‘safety’ tests – including animal tests - for medicated cosmetic products such as sunscreens, and for new chemical ingredients in cosmetics. These tests can include skin and eye irritation, where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of rabbits; and “lethal dose” tests, in which animals are forced to swallow large amounts of a test chemical to determine the dose that causes death.
TSPCA Executive Director Connie Chiang said:
“Sadly here in Taiwan rabbits and other animals still endure unnecessary suffering in outdated cosmetics tests that have been banned in a growing number of countries around the globe. So we are excited to bring the world-renowned Be Cruelty-Free campaign to Taiwan to achieve an end to the suffering. Cruelty-free companies such as LUSH demonstrate every day that you don’t need to hurt animals to produce fabulous, safe cosmetics. Indeed, many of these animal tests are so outdated, that consumer safety would also be better protected by banning the use of animals. So, for the sake of people and animals, we’re urging Taiwan to Be Cruelty-Free!”
Worldwide, hundreds of cosmetics companies avoid new animal testing by using safe, existing ingredients and available non-animal tests.
Petula Shen, LUSH Taiwan, said:
"Ending cosmetics animal testing is at the heart of LUSH’s ethical policy. We strongly believe cosmetics animal testing is unnecessary and cruel. That’s why we manufacture safe cosmetic products without testing on animals. The Be Cruelty-Free campaign has been instrumental in achieving change for animals around the world, so we are thrilled that the TSPCA and HSI have
now launched Be Cruelty-Free Taiwan. We know our customers will give it their full support and we urge everyone in Taiwan to join the Be Cruelty-Free campaign for a world without cosmetics cruelty.”
March 10 is global Be Cruelty-Free Week. Around the world HSI and its partners will be raising awareness about the suffering animals endure for the beauty industry.
Claire Mansfield, HSI’s Be Cruelty-Free Campaigns Director said:
“We’re launching Be Cruelty-Free Taiwan at an exciting point in our global campaign, when more and more countries around the world are giving serious consideration to consigning cosmetics animal testing to the history books. Beauty without animal cruelty is the way of the future and we want Taiwan to be next.”
Taiwan’s consumers can show their support for an end to cosmetics animal testing in Taiwan and globally by going online and signing a Be Cruelty-Free pledge: http://www.spca.org.tw/be-cruelty-free-taiwan.html
Humane Society International and its partner organisations together constitute one of the world's largest animal protection organisations. For nearly 20 years, HSI has been working for the protection of all animals through the use of science, advocacy, education and hands-on programmes. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty worldwide — on the Web at hsi.org/becrueltyfree.