In recent weeks, the TSPCA investigation department has received many cases related to the mistreatment of groundhogs in many different regions of Taiwan. Most of these cases have been related to pet stores that were unwilling to provide proper medical treatment for these adorable creatures.
Another thing I learned is that we can all do our best to help by making an effort. Sometimes the topic of animal welfare will be brought up among colleagues at work
Once on site TSPCA inspectors found more than 20 dogs that were not being provided with proper shelter or clean and adequate food and water. The dogs were either confined to cages or kept for long hours on chains
2018/12/26 參與「2018狩獵文化與現代制度之調和論壇」2018/12/21 至屏科大沙林生命教育園區參訪2018/12/20 參與新北市動保處舉辦「新北市動保政策公民下午茶討論會議」2018/12/03 參與林務局舉辦「原住民族狩獵法制座談會」