2013年5月,有民眾向Taiwan SPCA通報在Facebook有人張貼虐貓影片,從影片中可看出飼主將貓咪全身纏滿膠帶,讓貓咪失去平衡頻頻跌倒,接者飼主還故意用雷射筆逗貓,讓想追逐光點的貓咪一再摔倒在地。
2013年5月,有民眾向Taiwan SPCA通報在Facebook有人張貼虐貓影片,從影片中可看出飼主將貓咪全身纏滿膠帶,讓貓咪失去平衡頻頻跌倒,接者飼主還故意用雷射筆逗貓,讓想追逐光點的貓咪一再摔倒在地。
they spoke with the owner and found that he was a frail 80 year old man who was not able to pick up or carry LaiFu to the vet clinic himself. He said LaiFu was at least 12 years old and suddenly became paralyzed a couple of days prior
Most people have questions in mind when they consider reporting animal abuse cases, such as “what kind of information should I provide? What kind of photo are needed? Here are the answers to these questions!