2014年4月中旬,網路上流傳了一則影片,影片內容為一名男子揮著器具並伴隨著狗狗的叫聲,這個影片也引起了軒然大波,許多民眾認為已違法虐待動物並擔心狗狗的安全,因此便求助於Taiwan SPCA的協助
The dog in question, DaTou, had been chained up for his whole life (12 years) and had severe medical problems that had been left untreated.
TSPCA investigation team became aware of another situation in the area. While observing the residence of a dog that was brought to their attention, the team noticed that although the dog had ample living space and was on a long chain
The cat was wrapped in tape and kept falling down again and again as he couldn’t get his balance. Furthermore, the owner taunted the cat with a laser pointer, the cat kept falling down as he tried to catch the laser.